Why join Beacon?

by | Apr 14, 2023 | Blog

There is officially 1 WEEK LEFT to apply for our open Projects Officer and Communications Officer roles!

If you still aren’t sure if these entry-level and junior-level positions are right for you, allow our team to tell you why they love working at Beacon.

Hear from the team below and submit your application by 9am on the 19th April.

Build a career with impact and help ensure that no one faces their rare journey alone.

Good luck and we’ll see you soon!

Dr Rick Thompson

Mary Rose Roberts

“It’s been the people that have made my time at Beacon so positive. Whether our fantastic staff team, the amazing life science professionals who support our work, or the tireless patient group leaders, there’s a great sense of community that makes you realise your work really matters.”


  • Indie-rock music
  • Dinosaurs
  • The Wire

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Our first-ever rare disease showcase event in Birmingham will always stand out as a huge achievement, a great event and a showcase that set the tone for our work to come.

“I’ve had an incredibly rewarding career at Beacon. Being part of a small team has meant my voice has had so much impact and I’ve been able to have a genuine input into the direction of the charity. In seven years here, I’ve gone from Events Officer to COO and been afforded so many opportunities which have allowed me to grow professionally and personally.” 


  • Eurovision
  • Skiing in the Alps
  • Swimming in the sea
  • Kayaking/Paddleboarding
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe

Favourite moment at Beacon:

The Virtual Rare Disease Showcase; our first ever large-scale, multi day virtual conference and a huge professional challenge.

Laura Thompson-Harper

Philippa (Phil) Norman

“I love working for Beacon because of the flexibility and support I have received in my role. The team works closely to achieve the charity’s mission and values, encouraging staff both professionally and personally. We are supported to get the best out of our roles for ourselves and this in turn helps us have a positive impact through the work we deliver! I feel so lucky to be part of such an amazing team!”


  • Good food
  • Dancing
  • Festivals

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Our Leadership Workshop – this was the first workshop Laura attended and it still warms her heart at how passionate the day made her about what Beacon do. Spending the day with patient group leaders, feeling the empowering energy and listening to all the amazing work that is happening in our community was magical. It was first event that inspired her continued love for how incredible our rare community is.

“Working in the Projects Team at Beacon has been such a rewarding experience. I have something different to do a weekly basis, which makes the work really dynamic and unlike any other role I have seen. Everyone at Beacon gets on so well and it’s great to be a part of a small team where we all feel seen and heard.”


  • Charity shopping
  • Chocolate
  • Patting any and every cat she meets
  • Music; listening to it and singing along
  • Being in or near water

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Winning Jeffrey Sirmoo; the mini moo through the Cambridge Independent’s Cows around Cambridge competition.

Blayne Baker

Faith Walpole

“I love working at Beacon because the work and people matter. Every beneficiary and stakeholder is working to ensure that no one faces their rare journey alone. I’m immensely proud of our patient groups, community, team and charity – thank you for a rewarding career.”


  • Naps
  • Christmas markets
  • Comedians

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Being published in Pharmafile for her article, “Every number has a face: Are you valuing the patient voice?”

“The team at Beacon are super friendly and as an entry-level hire they have enabled me to grow my skillset in a range of different areas. The role itself has been so wide-ranging, creating a difference to your usual 9-5 office job! I look forward to coming into work everyday.”


  • The beach
  • Flowers
  • Cheese boards
  • Pistachios

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Attending the Drug Repurposing for Rare Diseases Conference 2022. Particularly the evening meal with the whole team, it was the first opportunity to spend time with everyone

William May

Eve Scott

“Beacon is such an enjoyable place to work at as it has a friendly, inclusive and relaxed atmosphere and everyone is open to helping each other.”


  • Drum and bass
  • Computer games
  • Military history
  • Manchester United

Favourite moment at Beacon:

My favourite moment so far has been organising our Christmas party. All the new staff, including me, had settled in and it was one of the rare times that everyone was together. Everyone enjoyed the food and, more importantly, remembered their Secret Santa presents and all of them were a hit.

“I love working at Beacon because working in a small team means everyone supports and complements each other’s skills which encourages growth and collaboration. I believe and feel every day we are making a real impact for rare disease communities.”


  • Star Wars
  • Candles
  • Cooking
  • DIY

Favourite moment at Beacon:

Attending the Drug Repurposing conference in October 2022. An exciting and informative introduction to what would soon be colleagues and friends in the rare disease and drug repurposing community.

Time is running out!

Submit that application today to join the Beacon team.