The Student Voice Prize
The Student Voice Prize is now closed for entries for 2022!
Thank you so much to everyone who entered and took part this year, we had more entries than ever before and couldn’t have done it without you!
Watch this space for more news in early 2023!
Check out our Questions for 2022!
Here’s how it works:
In 1,500 words or less, please answer one of three essay questions provided below.
You can enter only one essay, so choose wisely!
We ask that you kindly submit your essay through the entry form below before 12:00 pm GMT on 16th November 2022 when the competition closes.
View the entry form and full submission details below to learn more.
Good luck!

Who is eligible?
The competition is primarily aimed at medical students, but anyone studying medical and biological sciences (spanning courses such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, biology, genetics, biomedical science, pharmacology etc.) will be able to answer the questions. Entries may be submitted by those studying other courses, but it is recommended that such entries focus on a personal experience with a rare condition.
The competition is open to undergraduate and masters students and entries from PhD students will not be accepted.
Each student may only enter one essay into the competition.

Question 1
Using a case study or a number of case studies reflect on how an individual’s experiences within the healthcare system and with healthcare professionals may impact their psychosocial wellbeing and the role of HCPs in managing these.

Question 2
Access to treatment can vary greatly between rare conditions and even between individuals living with the same condition.
This could be because:
- There is no disease-modifying drug, or there is one that the patient can’t access due to eligibility or location.
- There is a drug that is anecdotal known to alleviate symptoms but it isn’t licensed.
- Or there is a drug on trial but the patient isn’t eligible.
Discuss how access to treatment, management and research can impact a person’s mental wellbeing.

Question 3
Diagnosis can be a challenging journey for many people living with a rare condition. Compare and contrast the diagnostic journey of two or more people/families living with a rare condition, reflecting on the impact of these experiences on their mental well-being.