How does the programme work?
The programme runs on an annual basis for a 12 month period, this cohort will run from February 2023 to February 2024. For the first time ever we have decided to split the programme into two stages. There will be a one month training stage, once this is complete Beacon will introduce mentees to their mentors who will then work together for the duration of the scheme.
The programme at a glace
20th February: Applications end
2nd – 23rd March: Training stage occurs
- 2nd: Mentee training on strategy
- 9th: Mentee training on project management
- 16th: Mentor training on leadership/coaching skills
- 23rd: Mentee and Mentor training on mental heath
27th March: Partnership stage begins
30th March: Welcome event in London
June/October/February: Check-in calls with Beacon
February 2024: End of programme
Celebratory closing event

Stage one – Training
Once recruitment ends and the new cohort has been accepted onto the programme a period of training will begin, it will last for around one month and include sessions for both mentees and mentors.
There will be two training sessions specifically for mentees to help equip them with the skills they need to make the most out of the programme, an additional session for mentors focusing on coaching/leadership skills and a final session (open to both mentees and mentors) looking at mental health and resilience.

Mentee training
Strategy training
Thursday 2nd March
This session will look at using your mission and vision to come up with clear objectives.
Project management training
Thursday 9th March
This session will focus on resource management and priority setting.
Mentor training
Coaching and leadership training
Thursday 16th March
This session will give mentors the coaching and leadership skills they need to approach their partnership with confidence.
Mentee and Mentor training
Mental health and resilience training
Thursday 23rd March
This session will focus on how to prioritise mental health in increasingly challenging times.
Strategy training
Thursday 2nd March
This training is for mentees and will look at the importance of having a clear mission and vision for your organisation and how to use them to set clear objectives.
It will be led by Costello Medical and the Beacon team.
The training will cover:
- What is the difference between your mission and vision?
- How to develop a clear mission and vision for your organisation
- Tools to develop strategy based on Mission and Vision statements (Strategy map and balanced scorecard approach)
- How to set and measure objectives based on this
Project management training
Thursday 9th March
This training session is for mentees, to give them the skills they need to be able to hit the ground running once their SMART goals are set.
It will be a project management training focusing on prioritisation and methods to create feasible plans for projects linked to the organisations strategy.
The training will cover:
- How to approach a new project
- How to manage time and resources
- Tools to help scope, plan and evaluate future projects
Coaching and leadership training
Thursday 16th March 12:00 – 13:30
This training session is for mentors to give them the skills they need to start their mentoring partnership with confidence. It will be led by Coaching Consultant Flóra Raffai.
Alongside the training it will also be an opportunity to connect with your fellow mentors on the cohort.
The training will cover:
- How to approach the partnership and get into the ‘mentoring mindset’
- How to structure discussions and support the mentee to utilise your skill set
- Tools to identify your mentees needs (including the confidence/competence matrix)
- How to give feedback in a positive and constructive manor
Mental health and resilience training
Thursday 23rd March 11:00 – 13:00
This training session is open to both mentees and mentors. It will focus on how to prioritise your mental health in these increasingly challenging times.
The session will be led by Kym Winters from RareMinds.
The training will cover:
- How to build resilience
- Avoiding burnout
- Boundary setting
Stage two – Partnerships

Beacon review all of the applicants and assign mentees with mentors based on their respective needs, preferences and skills as identified in their application forms.
Once the training period is over, Beacon will introduce the mentoring pairs who will then work together for the remainder of the programme.
Once paired, partners will work together to set SMART objectives for the programme and finalise them with the support from Beacon. They are then left to work together to achieve these goals under their own steam.
To get the most out of the programme pairs are expected to meet for a minimum of an hour a month – virtually or in person – to update on progress, work through challenges, express ideas and set new tasks.
Throughout the year, Beacon will hold 3 rounds of calls to check-up on progress and offer support. The calls will be scheduled for every 4 months.
Opportunities to connect
Previous cohorts have emphasised how beneficial they found being able to connect with members of the programme beyond their mentoring partner.
In response to this we have introduced even more ways to meet with your fellow mentees and mentors!

Welcome event
Thursday 30th March, 13:00 – 17:00, London

Beacon is exited to invite the whole 2023-24 mentoring cohort to an afternoon welcome event in London. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet your partner, connect with the rest of the cohort and enjoy a complimentary lunch!

Programme wide meet-ups!

Virtual meet-ups will be organised throughout the programme where the cohort will have the opportunity to network, share news and ask for advice from the other mentees and mentors.

Facebook group exclusively for cohort

Participants in the programme will get access to a Facebook group where the cohort can ask questions and update each other in their own time.

Resources hub

A brand new feature of the 2023-24 Mentoring Programme is their own space on Beacons Resources Hub where they can find information on the skills and goals of their fellow mentees and mentors.

Closing event

Once the year is up Beacon will host a closing event to celebrate all the cohort has achieved throughout the year!