We’ve been published three times in two months!

by | Oct 15, 2020

Big things have been happening at Findacure in the past two months. In the last 45 days, our team has been published in three different publications on three different topics!

View the three publications Findacure has been featured in below and pick up a copy today. We’re always looking for new opportunities to be featured in online and printed publications, so please get in touch with our Marketing & Engagement Manager, Blayne at blayne@findacure.org.uk to discuss potential opportunities.

The Welsh Pharmacy Review

Our very own Philippa was published in The Welsh Pharmacy Review on page 22 alongside Medics4RareDiseases CEO, Lucy McKay! Phil and Lucy discussed our joint annual, international essay competition, The Student Voice Prize, and highlighted some of the essays from our recent 2019 winners. They discussed the importance of mental health in rare disease patients and did a wonderful job of explaining why all doctors and nurses should consider working in or supporting rare disease and rare disease patients. Read their article,”Rare Diseases: Speaking Out,” now to see for yourself!

The New Scientist & healthawareness.org.uk

Our CEO, Dr. Rick Thompson, took part in healthawareness.org.uk and mediaplanet‘s Rare Diseases Campaign, which was featured online and in The New Scientist!

Rick speaks to how COVID-19 has proven the value of drug repurposing and has shown what can be achieved when a sense of urgency drives all players in the drug development process. He highlights how rare disease patients have struggled to translate their urgency into a drive for new treatments outside of their community, and how by acting as a unified rare disease community we can harness that urgency to accelerate rare disease change and treatment. Read Rick’s article entitled, “Drug repurposing is bringing hope to rare diseases” on healthawareness.org.uk now!

Nature Medicine

Our CEO, Dr. Rick Thompson, made another cameo alongside Findacure’s co-founder, Dr. Nick Sireau, in Nature Medicine!

Rick and Nick, who is also the CEO of the AKU Society, discuss rare diseases and their impact in Nature Medicine’s article entitled, “Rare diseases band together toward change in research”. Read Nature Medicine’s article now to learn how the rare disease community is coming together to accelerate change in rare disease research and treatment and help us spread the word on social media.