Join Findacure for The Newcastle Rare Disease Showcase, a day-long event to celebrate and highlight rare disease projects taking place in Newcastle and the North East England.
By providing a friendly forum for patient groups, researchers, clinicians and life science professionals to come together, we hope to encourage collaborations within the rare disease community to improve the future of rare disease science and healthcare.
The showcase will take place on Tuesday 31st October, from 10:00 to 16:30 at the Centre for Life, Newcastle. The day will:
- introduce Findacure and its work
- provide a forum to share and celebrate rare disease projects taking place in Newcastle and the North East
- showcase Newcastle as a European hub for rare disease research
- feature talks highlighting progress in rare bone disorders, neuromuscular disorders and rare skin cancer
- include an afternoon networking session with lightning talks proposed by delegates
- allow networking between all major rare disease stakeholders
Tickets are on sale now!
Registration is free for patients, patient groups and charities.
If you are interested in presenting one of the five minute lightning talks, please express your interest during registration, where you can submit a short talk proposal. We will be in touch with those selected in early October.