Take our Patient Group Training Survey & Win £50!

by | Feb 17, 2021


Complete our Patient Group Training Survey!

We’re asking for 10-15 minutes of your time to help us improve our training offerings over the next two years.

Tell us your current needs and priorities so that we can tailor our upcoming trainings to help you achieve your goals. Your responses will help to shape the content and delivery of Findacure’s work for the next two years and beyond, so we need your honest feedback to ensure that our projects are meeting your interests, expectations and needs!

Prove it? Okay!

Our past surveys resulted in Findacure:

Switching from half-day to full-day workshops
Including more trainer-led activity sessions
Prioritising delivery of trainings on registries, engaging with stakeholders, fundraising and more

Still not convinced? Here’s why this survey matters.

We need your support and feedback to carry out our vital work and demonstrate our value and impact to potential funders.

Prefer virtual or in-person training? Live or on-demand? Trustee boards or translating research? Let us know so that we can ensure we continue to deliver our trainings in a format and style which work best for you. Whether you’re a rare disease patient group who has worked with us for years, are completely new to us or are a rare disease advocate within the community, we want to hear from you!

Please help us, help you by taking our Patient Group Training Survey below. Thank you for your time, feedback and support

Did we mention that you could WIN £50?

No one likes a One Way street or a Dead End⛔

There needs to be a give and take, which is why once you complete our Patient Group Training Survey, you’ll be entered to WIN one of three prize drawings as a thank you for sharing your insights with us!

The three prize drawings are:

1st place = £50

2nd place = £30

3rd place = £20

Best of all, you can claim the money as a voucher or donate it to the charity of your choice. It’s a win, win!

Where else could you make £50 just for completing a 10-15 minute survey!?

All three prize drawings will take place on Wednesday, 31st March, so take our Patient Group Training Survey to be entered to win!