Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of rare genetic conditions which cause the skin to blister and tear at the slightest touch. Painful wounds open where skin is damaged and, in some cases, internal linings and organs are also affected. Tragically, certain types of EB can be fatal in infancy and others are severely life limiting. To find out more, please visit the charity Debra’s website.
EB2020 will, for the first time, bring together the global EB community – including patients and families, researchers, academics, industry professionals, and patient groups. By bringing everyone together under the same roof, it is hoped the congress will encourage greater sharing of knowledge and the development of strategies for the research, regulatory, funding and healthcare communities. With a programme that is already shaping up strongly, it is a must-attend event for anyone interested in EB or rare skin conditions.
To register, head to the congress’ dedicated website: https://ebworldcongress.org/
Findacure is proud to be part of the Global EB Alliance – a group of more than 20 rare disease and dermatology organisations who are supporting the EB World Congress and the inaugral EB2020 event.