Goodbye to Katie

by | Feb 21, 2019

It is with regret that we are announcing the departure of Katie Cliss from the Findacure team. Having been with us since September 2017, Katie has decided to seek a new challenge in her career and leaves the Findacure team today.

Katie has achieved a huge amount in her time with us. As our first ever dedicated Fundraiser, Katie has worked to write a huge number of grant applications for the charity, securing new partnerships with both the pharmaceutical industry and winning grants from several trusts and foundations. Her first full year with us was one of our most successful for fundraising and has helped to strengthen the position of the charity.

Katie has also helped to develop our community fundraising within our home town of Cambridge, running our first ever winter fair stall, conducting numerous street collections, and helping us identify fundraisers who are completely new to Findacure. Alongside her core fundraising work, Katie has been a warm and friendly presence at Findacure’s events, whether spending time getting to know rare disease patients at workshops or leading lightning talk sessions at our showcases.

The whole team would like to thank Katie for her work and dedication to the charity and wish her the very best for her future career.