We’re so excited to introduce our new Fundraising Officer, Faith, who joined the Beacon team last week!
Get to know the newest member of our team below and email her at faith@rarebeacon.org to say hello.
Welcome to the rare family, Faith!
What were you doing before you joined Beacon?
Before I joined Beacon, I had just graduated from university with a degree in Geography. My degree really enthused my interest in public health by enhancing my understanding that not everyone has fair and equal access to healthcare. Alongside university, I also worked as a COVID-19 Test and Trace Assistant. Working on the frontline allowed me to empathise with those in need and began to inspire my interest in aiding individuals with healthcare requirements.

Why did you choose to join the Beacon team?
Beacon really stood out to me when researching charity jobs surrounding healthcare. I admire how they put patients at the heart of their work and allow them to be the expert. I also love Beacon’s vision as an organisation, where it is believed no one should face their rare journey alone. I am very passionate about caring for others and extremely grateful to be in a position where I can make a difference to other people’s lives.

What do you want to achieve most at Beacon?
I believe I can really learn a lot from working at Beacon. I had never considered fundraising as a route to go down before, but looking at what Beacon offers, I can see my position as Fundraising Officer as one that can make a real difference to the rare disease community. I’m looking forward to developing my skills and making as much of a positive impact as possible.

What are your hobbies outside of work?
Outside of work I am very much a social butterfly and love hanging out with my friends, whether it’s having a games night or watching a movie together (which I will most likely fall asleep to). Aside from that, I love being outdoors and enjoy trips to the beach with my mum, exploring wild gardens, or visiting different historical sites.

What’s your favourite book/film/TV show and why?
I have only recently found the time to read again, and I’m loving any type of book that offers some form of escapism- something that I feel is needed every now and again. I recently just read ‘Book Lovers’ which was an easy read whilst away on holiday. However, I have a long list awaiting me now that the winter months are coming. I’m also a big fan of the TV series FRIENDS; I love the nostalgia it provides- there’s nothing better than having a comfort show to watch!
And that’s a wrap!
We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about our newest Beaconite, Faith.
Remember to email her to say hello and join us in welcoming Faith to the rare family!