This series will look at how rare disease patient groups can attract and retain the right people to ensure their organisation’s success and longevity.
The series kicks off on the 26th of May with the first webinar on recruiting and managing volunteers, the next webinar will look at how to grow your team by finding staff members and we will finish the series with a webinar on succession planning.
Employing paid staff has many benefits; it could allow you to take the pressure off an individual, acquire specialist skills for your organisation, free up time to focus on other priorities and ultimately help your patient group reach its goals faster.
For many groups, this is a huge milestone as moving on from being a volunteer and trustee led organisation comes with important legal considerations as well as additional cost and administration. It is vital to ensure your organisation is ready and prepared to take this exciting step.
Once you have made the decision to recruit, it is important to think about the kind of individual you want for your patient group and the steps you can take to attract the right people. The candidate you choose can either be a huge asset or a drain on time and finances.
Join this webinar to learn how to know when your group is ready for paid staff, what you need in place before you can hire someone and how to attract the right people for your organisation.
If you’re a patient group leader looking to employ their first member of staff now or in the future, then this webinar is for you!