Rare diseases actually are all around

Rare diseases actually are all around

Ok, so it might not be as good of a catch phrase as Hugh Grant’s ‘Love actually is all around,’ but hear me out because it’s true. We all know that rare diseases are individually rare, but collectively common. As it turns out, they are pretty commonly found all around us too – we just don’t always notice them straightaway. This week’s blog highlights just how common rare diseases are in everyday life!

Seeking similarities in difference: How COVID-19 has highlighted the dual importance of individual experience and unifying commonality in rare disease research

Seeking similarities in difference: How COVID-19 has highlighted the dual importance of individual experience and unifying commonality in rare disease research

This week’s blog was written by Remarez Sheehan, a 4th year medical student from the University of Oxford. Remarez entered The 2020 Student Voice Prize and was shortlisted for the brilliant essay “Seeking similarities in difference: How COVID-19 has highlighted the dual importance of individual experience and unifying commonality in rare disease research.” Read Remarez’s essay now!